Thursday, February 16, 2012


Again? Yupp...toddler Azizi had 40c on Tuesday afternoon. After supp in Votren, rushed to PHKL to see Doc Atikah. Mm & Dd already packed personal things in case had to be warded.

Day blue tigger cloth.

Day playground of course just to kill the time...boring mehhh.

Day 3....PHKL tigger as said by one senior doctor. Toddler Azizi had a sip of coffee before bathed that morning.

I want to be with them mummy, I'm so bored in the room.

Ya da da...slept as waiting for the discharged procedure & approval.

We said goodbye to all blue & white nurses D5 around 8 in the evening.

Owh...environment? Check these out...

Food? You should ask my mom as she ate a lot then me..huhuhuhuhhh

Bye....I don't want to be here again...huhuhuhuhhh

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